Tantric Massage Hong Kong

Massage in your hotel room

Tantric massage has its focus on enjoying the body and sensuality. The technique is based on bodily pleasure and makes use of soft stroking, touching and when wished for feathers and other attributes to enhance the sensual and relaxing feeling during the massage. A little harder approach is also quite common, attributes will not be used and the stroking and kneading of the body will be less soft to optimize the pleasure during the massage.

In a tantric massage every part of the body will be treated. Contrary to other massage techniques tantric massage has no specific rules and can be steered into the direction the client wishes. Preferences can be discussed before the tantric massage starts to make sure the massage lives up to the expectations of the client and the masseuse. A professional masseuse can make the body and mind relaxes and makes sure the massage will be a sensual as well as a spiritual healing experience.

    When would you like your massage?
    (Date and time)

    Duration of massage:

    Your hotel:

    Hotel telephone number:

    Your room number:

    Your name:

    Additional information: